Flaw is the most fundamental attribute of any manmade system. While some systems may work more effectively than others, they are all doomed to have inefficiencies, major or minor. The human education system, American or otherwise, is no exception. It is not organized by Divine Providence, and it cannot be expected to function without any imperfections. The key then, is to identify its weaknesses and to capitalize on them, just like a simple headshot in a video game.
Weakness number one: modern education is organized to give the masses too many choices. As ambitious individuals, we seek education to improve our understanding of life, its problems, and its solutions. However, we must resist the temptation to spread our commitments into too many fields. In the end, we will perform many missions, but we can never perform two missions in a truly simultaneous fashion. Our human brain is wired to focus on one thing at a time, so we must discipline ourselves to go after our one goal at a time.
Weakness number one: modern education is organized to give the masses too many choices. As ambitious individuals, we seek education to improve our understanding of life, its problems, and its solutions. However, we must resist the temptation to spread our commitments into too many fields. In the end, we will perform many missions, but we can never perform two missions in a truly simultaneous fashion. Our human brain is wired to focus on one thing at a time, so we must discipline ourselves to go after our one goal at a time.