There is a long lived debate as to whether it was Sir Francis Bacon or Thomas Hobbes who first said "scientia potentia est," or as we know it better in English, "knowledge is power." Either way, both were extremely learned men. If knowledge is power, then the continuation of education is the best way to further empower yourself, whether to become smarter and worldlier, or as it is more common in today's society, to get ahead in life with a better career.
Continuing education is a very open concept that means many things. Some people believe it to mean simply 'adult education' whereas others see it as mostly a term referring to non-academic trade schools. Continuing education is not limited to either of these two, but in fact includes a variety of programs and courses that are taken at the post-secondary level.
Continuing education is a very open concept that means many things. Some people believe it to mean simply 'adult education' whereas others see it as mostly a term referring to non-academic trade schools. Continuing education is not limited to either of these two, but in fact includes a variety of programs and courses that are taken at the post-secondary level.